
Tilting the Residency Match In Your Favor

How do you tilt the balance in your favor to maximize the chances that you match at your residency program or programs of choice? The answer is relatively straightforward, yet there seems to be quite a bit of confusion and even conflicting opinion on the topic.

The Power of Interprofessional Education

The pager on my hip beeped at 1:22 am with a call from the ICU. The nurse on the other end asked if I would please come down and pronounce a patient who had passed away. “I’ll be right there,” I responded, put down the admission note I was writing, and set off toward the ICU. This was my first inpatient medicine rotation as an intern, so I was embracing this task with a mix of overconfidence and not knowing what I didn’t know. I was also trying not to disturb my senior resident who was either addressing some important tasks or sleeping. Hitting the wall plate to open the double doors to the ICU, a nurse behind a desk pointed in the direction of one of the patient rooms. As I approached the room, I realized that I didn’t actually know how to pronounce a patient and had never been taught how to do so in medical school.

Click here to read more at the Harvard Macy Institute blog.